November was – well – busy. I didn’t get as much done as I meant, especially writing, but I sure did a lot.
Some was lovely – a magical walk in crisp morning air along the sunlit River Dee with dear friends; some was grim (the economic news, what can I say?); some was panic-inducing. But then there were hero plumbers to rescue me from the latter (a Terrible Leak) so even that was not all bad.
I’ve also been trying to train myself to take photographs. This is a big step for one who hasn’t had a camera since she was at school. @lizfenwick guided the purchase. I’ve been circling the thing slowly ever since, in case it explodes on contact with inexpert hands. I was surprised to find, on first attempting to photograph, that a proboscis shot out. Made me jump a fair height, I admit. But then I realised, it had quite a friendly chirring noise, even if everything else was alien. So in November I got a bit braver. The results aren’t great but, oh boy, they make me smile.
So, in addition to leaks and disasters, November gave me:

winter sunsine, golden tree with London Taxi Cab

Unseasonable jasmine outside my door, with scent
and Friend . . .

poor sad cat left all alone while She gallivants, nobody love him and his paws are cold
And if I may just write a story about a Hero Plumber, too.
Goodbye November. You were a valuable learning experience.